Saturday, May 29, 2010

{ Favorite Sounds No. 2 }

"A dream is a wish your heart makes, when its fast asleep. 
In dreams you will lose your heartache, 
whatever you wish for you keep.
Have faith in your dreams and someday, 
your rainbow will come shining through.
No matter how your heart is breaking, 
if you keep on believing,
A dream that you wish, will come true."  - Cinderella

Every morning, sometime between 1:30 - 2:30am for the past week, I hear one of the happiest, soothing sounds ever - birds singing in the tree outside our bedroom window. Since I am usually climbing into bed around this time (the hubs is usually already cozied up sleeping like a rock) its like a little lullaby as i'm waiting for sleep to come. I can't help but smile and feel ridiculously giddy like when I was a kid, and thank God for the day and the little gifts He gives us. So, I thought (as my second addition to favorite sounds) I'd share what singing birds remind me of and why I love their sweet lullabys.

One of my favorite movies of all time. Romeo's departure, Romeo and Juliet (1968)

Sitting on the cool grass on a comfortable spring afternoon, relaxing.

A day at the beach!

The morning of a new day!

One of my favorite movies of all time. 'A dream is a Wish' Cinderella

God is a painter!

Another favorite movie of all time! "I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream' Sleeping Beauty

Our little friends :)

Couldn't resist - too cute!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

{ Thank your Mr. Tuesday }

"That side is sleeky."
(He was trying to say the side was 'slick.')

I guess i'm a bit silly for not realizing that when we met - we could barely understand each other (to the point we mostly communicated with our own raw form of sign language in order to describe things or what we were trying to say) ...and that this might be a problem. Needless to say, we misinterpreted each other for probably the first 1 1/2 year of our relationship. But the most interesting thing about this - is it didn't have an effect on our want to be together.

See, the Hubs is native-born Brazilian. And though he studied three years of English before he came to the US - it wasn't completely enough. But, being as smart and intuitive as he is - he caught on very quick. (and as a side note: he became fluent in Spanish within three months :) Probably because Portuguese and Spanish are both Latin based languages, but still. So, in the beginning especially - there was this lovely language barrier. However, looking back now I realize something. We were both incredibly gracious and patient with each other. I mean, on our second date he asked about a bracelet I was wearing which has words on plates connected together like: courage, family, honor, charity, faith etc. I was trying to explain to him that I wear it because it reminds me of the most important things in life - and encourages me to be more like Jesus. He thought I was saying 'I am like Jesus.' Huh?

Anyways, apparently that didn't bother him enough to think im a freak and walk away. Why not I wonder? I can't explain it. We just didn't wan't to be without each other. (PS - now he understands my true meaning.) And I think that so much of that love for each other and the even stronger love for eachother today was bread from having patience. So, today I would like to say, that even after 2 years and 2 1/2 months - my husband still remains one of the most patient, most gracious person I know on this planet. Literally.

We're not perfect. We still have our misunderstandings and small fits of "I want it my way". But, if its one thing that takes me by surprise every time, its his seemingly endless patience with me and my crazy ways. I knew I couldn't find a better man who was willing to take me for who I am. Thank you for all of your patience honey. I love you.

Second date :) 1/3/08
aww look! we were just two kiddos then!

ps..i know the post was made on wednesday instead of tuesday - dont hate! :D

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

{ Thank your Mr. Tuesday }

Tuesdays should be our "Thank Your Husband Day". The beginning of the week can be a bit hard, adjusting to the week life after the weekend. I'm thinking I might make a tribute to my husband every Tuesday. Or another man in your life you love, and would like to thank. Today, I'd like to say He is an Honorable man, who loves the Lord. I love everything about him. And I think he is so good for me, because he is very focused and driven. I am so blessed to have him part of my life. I love you honey.

With all my heart...

I'll follow you, honor you...

serve you, Love you.

All my life.


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Photo Editor Extraordinaire

Listening to: Paparazzi by Greyson Chance

For some strange reason, my laptop doesn't have any cool photo editor softwares on it besides paint. And we all know paint was cool when you first discovered computers back in the 90's in middle school... But nowadays? Who do you think you're kiddin chap!

So...I went on a little quest for the best FREE downloadable Photo Editor Extraordinaire. To my surprise, it took less than 5 mins (cause I timed myself...) 

At this site you can read the top 11 best free downloadable Photo Editor's software for Windows/Microsoft. (I typed in Windows XP) It gives a great review of each - and I went with Photoscape. (which happens to be #1 anywho)

I am really surprised. It has effects I didn't even know existed! I can't stop playing! (the hubs looks over like I've lost my mind each time I squeal with delight) And its very user friendly. I haven't tried out the others but this suits me just fine. I guess I just felt was love at first edit :)

PS. This is the original picture of above. Isn't that just AMAZING!?

I found The Bob.

I couldn't help but think of my friend Rebecca at She Becomes (check out her inspirational blog here) when I saw this while driving on the freeway. Printed on a black license plate in HUGE white letters, this white car skipped into my lane and BAM. There was 'BOB'.  (you should have seen me chasing this guy down the highway - i'm surprised he didn't call the cops on me as I was trying frantically to get close enough without hitting him for a picture of the back of his car with my phone.)

Just in case you're at a loss with the reason for my fascination with this discovery, you can check out both her hilarious posts here and here.

Love ya Becca! (I tried to wave him down for his number but I think he was too freaked to stop...)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Culprit

I wandered into my kitchen to find an inviting snack sitting there as though it would have all but jumped into the microwave to cook itself for me this morning.

This year, I made a resolution that I would not be eating processed foods - strictly organic. I have been reading, and recently finished a wonderfully inspiring book called 'Fit For my King' by Sheri Rose Shepherd, a former Miss America. She tells the story of her climb to fame, her fall and her ultimate rise when she finally finds and welcomes Jesus into her heart and makes Him King of her life. This book is a wonderful daily-devotional full of humor, love, hope and encouragement - not to mention some of the best tips on really loosing weight ever. I was doing very well, I would say for about a month and a half. Until...IT was STARING AT ME.

I tried to hide from it...

But when I peeked over the counter after focusing hard on picking up a piece of wilted lettuce from last nights dinner (as though THATS going to help..) was still there. STARING AT ME. (Insert Jaws Theme here).

*sigh. Lets just say attempting to ignore the pretty, buttery, salty, happy looking package did not work.

I probably resembled the beast as I shoved handfuls of kernels in my mouth, too:

I hate you Jaws.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Another Dress-A-Friend Friday!

Dress-A-Friend Friday!
Dress-A-Friend Friday! by arelidawn featuring Vince Camuto shoes

This is also for my mother, Mary. I wanted to create a look for her she would be very comfortable and cute in. My mom still has some killer legs after all these years, so I went with the shorts and high-heels. I love you momma!