Sunday, May 16, 2010

I found The Bob.

I couldn't help but think of my friend Rebecca at She Becomes (check out her inspirational blog here) when I saw this while driving on the freeway. Printed on a black license plate in HUGE white letters, this white car skipped into my lane and BAM. There was 'BOB'.  (you should have seen me chasing this guy down the highway - i'm surprised he didn't call the cops on me as I was trying frantically to get close enough without hitting him for a picture of the back of his car with my phone.)

Just in case you're at a loss with the reason for my fascination with this discovery, you can check out both her hilarious posts here and here.

Love ya Becca! (I tried to wave him down for his number but I think he was too freaked to stop...)


  1. Ha, I love it! Thanks for risking jail time for me :) Did you get close enough to see if he was cute???

  2. LOL!! That is so nice of you to help find "Bob" for her!!! LOL! That is too cute :)
