Friday, January 7, 2011

{ Holiday Decor Wrap-Up }

Organic Christmas
Inspired by:  Little Women

There is one unspoken ritual that weaves throughout each year of my life: 

Spring/Summer - Pride & Prejudice

Fall/Winter - Little Women


I've watched these movies at least, 100 times each (no joke). They continually play in our house like background music. I can recite every line (the Hubs put me to the test - hehe, little did he know just what a freak he married...) and can have a fully-loaded backed-up discussion about each film as if it were a NASA project. I absolutely LOVE to watch these movies when I'm doing housework; nothing puts me in the mood more :) I'm reminded of the simple times, when I suppose, times weren't really all that simple compared to the various household luxuries we have now: washing machines, dishwashers, vacuums (what a strange word) cleaners, etc. However, simple in the sense of having the time to really loves ones home like your child you dote on. Folding linens, cleaning dishes, hemming clothes, crocheting blankets, finding creative uses for old items, cooking dinner, setting the table - all the while turning your home into a mirror of your soul: peaceful, cozy and full of love. These movies completely inspire this in me. 

Thus, this year I decided to mold our Christmas after the organic love of Little Women! :) 

One thing I observed about that time period, is during the holiday season, Christmas Tree needles were attached to EVERYTHING. Across the doorway, over the mantle, dangling from lanterns and candles. Ribbons were tied onto everything also, usually with the needles. And scraps of fabric turned into little mittens, stockings, garland. This is just a little view of our home during Christmas :)

The needles placed on the frame and tied to the clock are real, and were cut from the Christmas Tree, which I did variously throughout the house. Though, I think next year we'll buy a Douglas Fir instead (this is the first year I've had this bush of a tree). I found it dried out very fast, despite that I watered it to death and needles were everywhere. I don't remember its name, but it was the cheapest one. Though, I loved its full look, and it still smelled great. 

The frames were purchased at a good will outlet - I think probably at $ .50 cents a piece. They are naturally distressed - at one point I'll paint them but for this season, I liked the wood. Inside them I placed various Christmas Tree Ornaments to frame the season. 

(To zoom in on the pictures, just click on them)

Needles on Candle holders, framed ornaments, Nativity scene, ribbons

Close up of the framed ornaments and Candle holders. This frame was salvaged from Goodwill as well.

Pine scented candle for the centerpiece

This is in the kitchen - fresh needles from the tree with pine-cones and an old lantern. The lantern and wire basket were about $5 each at Hobby Lobby. (for those who aren't familiar with this AMAZING store ) 

Another view of the living room, frames with ornaments, a needle semi-wreath, ribbons on tree

Up-close view of the tree :) Fabric/wood ornaments, bows, natural/organic material such as wood, feathers, tin, berries, etc.

Up-close view of the framed ornaments. These frames also salvaged and naturally distressed from Goodwill.

A spot by the TV: This little guy was purchased at Hobby Lobby for about $5, as well as the large Christmas pick at about $1, sitting in an old vase from a past birthday gift. 

And that, was our Little Women Christmas! 

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