Wednesday, May 26, 2010

{ Thank your Mr. Tuesday }

"That side is sleeky."
(He was trying to say the side was 'slick.')

I guess i'm a bit silly for not realizing that when we met - we could barely understand each other (to the point we mostly communicated with our own raw form of sign language in order to describe things or what we were trying to say) ...and that this might be a problem. Needless to say, we misinterpreted each other for probably the first 1 1/2 year of our relationship. But the most interesting thing about this - is it didn't have an effect on our want to be together.

See, the Hubs is native-born Brazilian. And though he studied three years of English before he came to the US - it wasn't completely enough. But, being as smart and intuitive as he is - he caught on very quick. (and as a side note: he became fluent in Spanish within three months :) Probably because Portuguese and Spanish are both Latin based languages, but still. So, in the beginning especially - there was this lovely language barrier. However, looking back now I realize something. We were both incredibly gracious and patient with each other. I mean, on our second date he asked about a bracelet I was wearing which has words on plates connected together like: courage, family, honor, charity, faith etc. I was trying to explain to him that I wear it because it reminds me of the most important things in life - and encourages me to be more like Jesus. He thought I was saying 'I am like Jesus.' Huh?

Anyways, apparently that didn't bother him enough to think im a freak and walk away. Why not I wonder? I can't explain it. We just didn't wan't to be without each other. (PS - now he understands my true meaning.) And I think that so much of that love for each other and the even stronger love for eachother today was bread from having patience. So, today I would like to say, that even after 2 years and 2 1/2 months - my husband still remains one of the most patient, most gracious person I know on this planet. Literally.

We're not perfect. We still have our misunderstandings and small fits of "I want it my way". But, if its one thing that takes me by surprise every time, its his seemingly endless patience with me and my crazy ways. I knew I couldn't find a better man who was willing to take me for who I am. Thank you for all of your patience honey. I love you.

Second date :) 1/3/08
aww look! we were just two kiddos then!

ps..i know the post was made on wednesday instead of tuesday - dont hate! :D

1 comment:

  1. Aww! That is such a great story! How did you guys meet?
