Saturday, February 19, 2011

{ Effervescent Etsy's No. 2 }

the black apple
Since Etsy is awesome enough to have a 'featured' artists email they send out - I came across this fabulous artist! If you've ever tried to search the Etsy site, you might be aware it can be really overwhelming! For:

1) HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of artists post their creations, 
2) HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS are incredibly amazing!

Another thing I really love about the Etsy emails, is they come in every day - and each one is a different theme! The artists featured usually have something to do with the theme which makes shopping around all the more fun :)
This artist was under the Vaudeville Variety Hour.

Monday, January 24, 2011

{ Gypsies: Trendy Thrifts - Dishes }

Have I mentioned how much Saver's feels like my best friend? I spend wayyyyyyyy too much time there. (Its embarrassing). Over the last 5 months I've collected pieces that one day, I hoped, would make up the perfect table setting. Well, patience is a virtue my friends. Yes, indeed.

.....Okay, your bug eyes are scaring me. You can't do this you say? Your brain is already going into overload? Don't even break a sweat: Its super super easy. (And fun!) Go on your next scavenger hunt with these few simple tips and you'll walk out of there with your hands full of precious goodies!

1) Look for unique patterns

2) Look for your favorite colors but complementary colors. (Pictured is: White, sanded red, sea-spray green, canary yellow and robins egg blue) But, you could do this with many many color combinations.

3) Buy in bulk. Make sure there are enough in each set to work.
    I found:

  •  6 Large white dinner plates - 2 different designs totaling 3 each
  •  3 sanded red salad plates
  •  3 white salad plates
  •  3 sea-spray green appetizer plates
  •  3 sailor's stripe blue and white appetizer plates
  •  6 robin's egg blue dessert plates
  •  6 Elegant sipping glasses
           (I gave these names to the plates because they were thrifted :)

4) Check for dings, rust stains, chips or (worst of all!) cracks. 

5) As you build, remember to mix solids with prints for balance and aesthetic (see picture below).

6) Relax! Collect over time. :) Start with whichever sized plate strikes your fancy and build from there. 

Below I've collaged the pieces I've bought, marked with corresponding numbers and their price. (Just click to enlarge.)

1) Small Serving Plate/Butter-knife Plate in Canary Yellow - $2.99 (splurge)
2) Large Rose Garden Pattern Dinner Plate in White - $1.49 ea
3) Medium Salad Plate in Sanded Red - $.49 ea
4) Small Appetizer Plate in Sea Spray - $.29 ea
5) Large Water Ripple Pattern Dinner Plate in White - $1.49 ea
6) Medium Rose Garden Pattern Salad Plate in White - $.49 ea
7) Small Appetizer Plate in Sailor's Stripe Blue and White - $.29 ea
8) Medium Dessert Plate in Robin's Egg Blue - $.49 ea
9) Medium Elegant Sipping Glass - $.69 ea

Also, this is our home decor now for spring. I can't wait for the warm sunshine on my skin and baby birds on the lawn!

Happy Spring and Happy Thrifting!!! I want to hear all about it!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

{ DIY: Chic White Fruit Display }

In our dining room, we've been keeping our fruit in a woven basket with hand-towels. At first, when I was very much into the 'farm look' I was all for it - and glad to have not spent one penny on the set-up which really was pretty charming. you read previously - I'm so into modern/simplifying with a touch of whimsy now. I am into the very odd mod colors like browns with orange, that weird military green or greys with red. YUCK. (sorry if thats your decor) I'm all for the very types of colors you see here on the blog = bright and happy, with just a touch of nostalgia. <3

Anyhoot, I've been looking for a cake stand - turned fruit display for about two months now. Mostly at thrift stores because anything resembling it is at least $20 bucks elsewhere. Plus! I wanted to try my hand at transforming an object by paint. Last night I was at Savers (a thrift shop).

FINALLY. There.It.Was. I snatched that thing so fast off the shelf I'm sure the person next to me probably thought I was possessed. I couldn't believe I found it and pretty much floated through the store to the registers with a huge smile of glee plastered on my face. So! Below is the DIY for turning a cake stand into a chic fruit display. Enjoy!

Chic White Fruit Display


1)  Medium Sized Paint Brush
2) White Acrylic or Interior Paint (Used: Behr's White on White Interior Paint Sample Size, $3 @ Home Depot, both non-toxic)
3) Newspaper or Paper Bag for surface protection
4) Food-Friendly Gloss Lacquer for Acrylics or Interiors to seal the paint and create shine. (Home Depot) Must be used outside where ample ventilation is present.

1) Cover in the first coat of paint. Let dry. (You can lightly sandpaper before you begin painting to hold the paint better, but I didn't here)

After it drys it will look like this:

TIP: Its good to lift your project up after its been painted to avoid the paint gluing the paper on the bottom to your project.

2) Apply a second coat of paint and repeat until dark wood undertones are no longer visible. (This project took 4 coats total) Let dry.

3) Cover project once in a food-friendly coat of gloss lacquer for paint sealant and shine. (still need to do this myself, not pictured, ooops!)

Enjoy your new creation!

This project was super fun and super easy! I painted it 4 times within 3 hours the night before and the next morning it was totally dry, and if I had the gloss lacquer I could have swiped a coat on very easily! Have fun!

{ FrouFrou Fashion Finds No. 1 }

       Give some love here.

So, I just found the cutest store online! Perhaps I am a little late jumping on the band wagon, but I still wanted to share the love. This store is in the same price range as Anthropologie for dresses, for example, and each one is very unique and so well made! Lulu's has a fabulous selection! Below, I've made a collage of some of my favorites, along with prices, and added their site to my Candied Apples List to the Right ----- >

Take a look and enjoy!

1)  Skillfull Seamstress Grey Floral - $40.00
2)  Lipsmacker Ruffle Pink -  $43.00            
3)  Suerat's Fancy Floral -  $41.00
4)  Islands are Forever Silk Party -  $79.00
5)  City Sidewalks Ivory Grey -  $52.00

Saturday, January 22, 2011

{ Effervescent Etsy's No. 1 }


Happy Saturday to you! I was serenaded out of bed this morning by the sing-song of hammers on my neighbor's roof at 8:30am. nice. Who lets these people work before 10am on a Saturday!?

Anyhoot..when the incessant pounding looked as though it wont be letting up anytime soon, I jumped out of bed, put on some snugglies because it is F.R.E.E.Z.I.N.G in Texas (???) and thought, now would be the perfect time to continue my World-Wide-Web search of all things whimsical, lulling, illusory, utopian, mirthful, romantic and curious. (say that 5 times fast) And...share them all with you!

I spend most of my relaxing time scanning the net for these sorts of things...and I have to say that I was first set off on this change of eye when I passed by a DARLING Toddler's bedspread by Fabler, which I convinced my mom to buy for my neice. When in Ikea... (but we'll save that for another post)

Now, this change of eye has taken over my whole life. My closet, the rooms in my house, my blog, gifts to friends or family. Its the zapper and I'm the moth. (Someone save me now!) My eye is constantly scanning every inch of my love nest here, to see how/where I could make some pixi-dust change on the cheap - and cute! (annnnnd, share them with you!)

As I was jumping around on random blogs, to which I found/added many new friends, I came across a feature for this artist, who's samples of watercolor art/print I've collaged below. She is FABULOUS! I want to buy each and every one of them for my kids! (when they come - but hey, I know their coming!) Even now I'm considering buying some to frame for my niece. She loves little creatures like these! And, I think for a child, these sorts of prints are so wonderful for the enrichment of their imagination and creativity!

Five stars for this lovely artist. You can find her Etsy shop here. To enlarge the pictures below, just click.

1) Take a Walk                      ::  $15 usd
  2) Foxy Print                          :: $5.50 usd
    3) Sofi and the Fish                :: $20.00 usd
    4) Stowaway Migrating II       :: $35.00 usd

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

{ Illusionist - Great Reads No 2: Water for Elephants }

Water for Elephants
Sara Gruen

During the 1930's, as a young man, Jacob Jankowski was tossed by fate onto a rickety train that was home to the Benzini Brothers Most Spectacular Show on Earth. It was the early part of the great depression, and for Jacob, now ninety, the circus world he remembers was both his salvation and a living hell. A veterinary student just shy of a degree, he was put in charge of caring for the circus menagerie. It was there that he met Marlena, the beautiful equestrian star married to August, the charismatic but twisted animal trainer. And he met Rosie, an untrainable elephant who was the great gray hope for this third-rate traveling show. The bond that grew among this unlikely trio was one of love and trust, and, ultimately, it was their only hope for survival.

BIRDS EYE:  Coming Soon.

Only three people were left under the red and white awning of the grease joint; Grady, me, and the fry cook. Grady and I sat at a battered wooden table, each facing a burger on a dented tin plate. The cook was behind the counter, scraping his griddle with the edge of a spatula. He had turned off the fryer some time ago, but the odor of grease lingered.
The rest of the midway- so recently writhing with people - was empty but for a handful of employees and a small group of men waiting to be led to the cooch tent. The glanced nervously from side to side, with hats pulled low and hands thrust deep in their pockets. They wouldn't be disappointed: somewhere in the back Barbara and her ample charms awaited.
The other townsfolk - rubes, as Uncle Al called them - had already made their way through the menagerie tent and into the big top, which pulsed with frenetic music. The band was whipping through its repertoire at the usual earsplitting volume. I knew this routine by heart - at this very moment, the tail end of the Grand Spectacle was exiting and Lottie, the aerialist, was ascending her rigging in the center ring.
I stared at Grady, trying to process what he was saying. He glanced around and leaned in closer.
"Besides," he said, locking eyes with me, "it seems to me you've got a lot to loose right now." He raised his eyebrows for emphasis. My heart skipped a beat.
Thunderous applause exploded from the big top, and the band slid seamlessly into the Gounod waltz. I turned instinctively toward the menagerie because this was the cue for the elephant act. Marlena was either preparing to mount or was already sitting on Rosie's head.
"I've got to go, " I said.
"Sit," said Grady. "Eat. If you're thinking of clearing out, it may be a while before you see food again."
That moment, the music screeched to a halt. There was an ungodly collision of brass, reed, and percussion - trombones and piccolos skidded into cacophony, a tuba farted, and the hollow clang of a cymbal wavered out of the big top, over our heads and into oblivion.
Grady froze, crouched over his burger with his pinkies extended and lips spread wide. 
I looked from side to side. No one moved a muscle - all eyes were directed at the big top. A few wisps of hay swirled lazily across the hard dirt.
"What is it? What's going on?" I said.
"Shh," Grady hissed.
The band started up again, playing "Stars and Stripes Forever."
"Oh Christ. Oh shit!" Grady tossed his food onto the table and leapt up, knocking over the bench.
"What? What is it?" I yelled, because he was already running away from me. 
"The Disaster March!" he screamed over his shoulder.
I jerked around to the fry cook, who was ripping off his apron. "What the hell's he talking about?"
"The Disaster March," he said, wrestling the apron over his head. "Means something's gone bad - real bad."
"Like what?"
"Could be anything - fire in the big top, stampede, whatever. Aw sweet Jesus. The poor rubes probably don't even know it yet." He ducked under the hinged door and took off.
Chaos - candy butchers vaulted over counters, workmen staggering out from under tent flaps, roustabouts racing headlong across the lot. Anyone and everyone associated with the Benzini Brothers Most Spectacular Show on Earth barreled toward the big top.
Diamond Joe passed me at the human equivalent of a full gallop. "Jacob - its the menagerie," he screamed. "The animals are loose. Go, go, go!"
He didn't need to tell me twice. Marlena was in that tent.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

{ Illusionist - Reading List: Sneak Peek }

Sweet Alternate Universes - wait for me!
I'll be visiting you in no time :)

(Click to enlarge)

These little prettys were salvaged from Savers (a Southern Thrift Shop) for probably close to $20 total at max - and many of these are Best Sellers! I've paid anywhere from $ .99 - $1.99 per book. I've had to put many more down that I would have preferred to buy as well...some that I still think about and wish I had! Each time I go to visit, I try to only walk away with less than $10 worth (I've only made about 3 trips thus far), until I've read into them a bit - but some are too good to pass up. So, when I'm snuggling into bed at night, with my lamp light on and a fresh cup of water by the bedside, I peek over at this happy little stack and am flooded with giddyness - each and every time.

The List

Man and Boy Tony Parsons
The Known World Edward P. Jones
White Oleander Janet Fitch
Gentlemen and Players Joanne Harris
Charming Billy Alice McDermott
Out Stealing Horses Per Petterson
The Glass Castle Jeannette Walls
The Hours Michael Cunningham
One Thousand White Women Jim Fergus
The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie Alan Bradley
Best Friends Martha Moody
What the Stones Remember Lane
The Time Traveler's Wife Audrey Niffenegger
The Reader Bernhard Schlink
The Heretics Daughter Kathleen Kent
The Memory Keepers Daughter Kim Edwards
Mother of Pearl Melinda Haynes

Reading Complete (Since Oct 2010):
(Reviews have started here)

Water for Elephants Sara Gruen
Harvesting Ice Lawrence Cirelli
Bel Ami Guy de Maupassant
The Widower Liesel Litzenburger
The Birth of Venus Sarah Dunant
Evermore Alyson Noel
The Secret Life of Bees Sue Monk Kidd
Bel Canto Ann Patchett

Currently Reading:

Three Junes Julia Glass

Friday, January 7, 2011

{ Holiday Decor Wrap-Up }

Organic Christmas
Inspired by:  Little Women

There is one unspoken ritual that weaves throughout each year of my life: 

Spring/Summer - Pride & Prejudice

Fall/Winter - Little Women


I've watched these movies at least, 100 times each (no joke). They continually play in our house like background music. I can recite every line (the Hubs put me to the test - hehe, little did he know just what a freak he married...) and can have a fully-loaded backed-up discussion about each film as if it were a NASA project. I absolutely LOVE to watch these movies when I'm doing housework; nothing puts me in the mood more :) I'm reminded of the simple times, when I suppose, times weren't really all that simple compared to the various household luxuries we have now: washing machines, dishwashers, vacuums (what a strange word) cleaners, etc. However, simple in the sense of having the time to really loves ones home like your child you dote on. Folding linens, cleaning dishes, hemming clothes, crocheting blankets, finding creative uses for old items, cooking dinner, setting the table - all the while turning your home into a mirror of your soul: peaceful, cozy and full of love. These movies completely inspire this in me. 

Thus, this year I decided to mold our Christmas after the organic love of Little Women! :) 

One thing I observed about that time period, is during the holiday season, Christmas Tree needles were attached to EVERYTHING. Across the doorway, over the mantle, dangling from lanterns and candles. Ribbons were tied onto everything also, usually with the needles. And scraps of fabric turned into little mittens, stockings, garland. This is just a little view of our home during Christmas :)

The needles placed on the frame and tied to the clock are real, and were cut from the Christmas Tree, which I did variously throughout the house. Though, I think next year we'll buy a Douglas Fir instead (this is the first year I've had this bush of a tree). I found it dried out very fast, despite that I watered it to death and needles were everywhere. I don't remember its name, but it was the cheapest one. Though, I loved its full look, and it still smelled great. 

The frames were purchased at a good will outlet - I think probably at $ .50 cents a piece. They are naturally distressed - at one point I'll paint them but for this season, I liked the wood. Inside them I placed various Christmas Tree Ornaments to frame the season. 

(To zoom in on the pictures, just click on them)

Needles on Candle holders, framed ornaments, Nativity scene, ribbons

Close up of the framed ornaments and Candle holders. This frame was salvaged from Goodwill as well.

Pine scented candle for the centerpiece

This is in the kitchen - fresh needles from the tree with pine-cones and an old lantern. The lantern and wire basket were about $5 each at Hobby Lobby. (for those who aren't familiar with this AMAZING store ) 

Another view of the living room, frames with ornaments, a needle semi-wreath, ribbons on tree

Up-close view of the tree :) Fabric/wood ornaments, bows, natural/organic material such as wood, feathers, tin, berries, etc.

Up-close view of the framed ornaments. These frames also salvaged and naturally distressed from Goodwill.

A spot by the TV: This little guy was purchased at Hobby Lobby for about $5, as well as the large Christmas pick at about $1, sitting in an old vase from a past birthday gift. 

And that, was our Little Women Christmas! 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

{ Illusionist - Great Reads No 1: Bel-Ami }

Guy de Maupassant

A chronicle of a young man's rise to power in Paris via his manipulation of the city's most influential and wealthy women.

BIRDS EYE: This novel is simply fantastic is all regards. I loved how sensory the writing is - it completely transports you into Georges Duroy's world. The plot is constantly shifting, gaining momentum, taking you deeper and deeper into 1890's Paris. There is never a dull moment. Its humorous, yet true to the colors of life and written quite light. Before long, it lingers around you like a fog - still sensed in everything you see and touch, even after you've put the book down. Its a wonderful study about life then and, how amusingly enough, human nature hasn't changed. I couldn't help but fall in love with Duroy - more in a brotherly fashion since many times you just want to beat his lights out for the careless way he quietly manipulates his peers. But one admiral thing about Duroy: Everything he sets his mind to, he gets. As my mother used to say: "Where theres a will, theres a way." Something I absolutely loved about this novel, was how the author painted Duroy with sensitivity and humanity. You can't help but feel sorry for him - because behind that cunning mind and thick skin of a man he fronts, hes really more like a boy who hasn't yet grasped just how much the wrong choices he makes bring about the consequences he is constantly battling, which threaten to rip apart his life. You can immediately grasp why he views the world like he does - and you find yourself wishing you could take him by the arm and whisper the secret to the end of his distress in his ear. So, even though our dear Duroy sets about getting every comfort possible, in the most ungentlemanly way possible - by the end of the book, you're still rooting for him.


After changing his five franc peice Georges Duroy left the restaurant. He twisted his mustache in military style and cast a rapid, sweeping glance among the diners, among whom were three saleswomen, an untidy music teacher of an uncertain age, and two women with their husbands.

When he reached the sidewalk, he paused to consider which route he should take. It was the twenty-eight of June and he had only three francs in his pocket to last him the remainder of the month. That meant two dinners and no lunches, or two lunches and no dinners, according to choice. As he pondered upon this unpleasant state of affairs, he sauntered down Rue Notre Dame de Lorette, preserving his military air and carriage, and rudely jostled the people upon the streets in order to clear a path for himself. He appreared to be hostle to the passers-by, and even to the houses, to the entire city.

Tall, well built, fair, with blue eyes, a curled mustache, hair naturally wavy and parted in the middle, he recalled the hero of the popular romances.

It was one of those sultry, Parisian evenings when not a breath of air is stirring, the sewers exhaled poisonous gases, and the restaurants the disagreeable odors of cooking and kindred smells. Porters in their shirt-sleeves, astride their chairs, smoked their pipes at the carriage gates, and pedestrians strolled leisurely along, hats in hand.

When Georges Duroy reached the boulevard he halted again, undecided as to which road to choose. Finally he turned toward the Madeline and followed the tide of people.

The large, well-patronized cafes tempted Duroy, but were he to drink only two glasses of beer in an evening, farewell to the meager supper the following night! Yet, he said to himself: "I will take a glass at the Americain. By Jove, I am thirsty."

He glanced at men seated at the tables, men who could afford to slake their thirst, and scowled at them. "Rascals!" he muttered. If he could have caught one of them at a corner in the dark he would have choked him without a scruple! He recalled the two years spent in Africa, and the manner in which he had exhorted money from the Arabs. A smile hovered about his lips at the recollection of an escapade which had cost three men their lives, a foray which had given his two comrades and himself seventy fowls, two sheep, money and something to laugh about for six months. The culprits were never found; indeed, they were never sought for, the Arab being looked upon as the soilder's prey.

But in Paris it was different; there one could not commit such deeds with impunity. He regretted he had not remained where he was; but he had hoped to improve his condition--and for that reason he was in Paris!

He passed the Valdeville and stopped at the Cafe Americain, debating as to whether he should take that "glass." Before deciding, glanced at a clock; it was a quarter past nine. He knew that when the beer was placed in front of him, he would drink it; and then what would he do at eleven o'clock? So he walked on, intending to go as far as the Madeline and return.

When he reached the Place de l'Opera, a tall young man passed him, whose face he fancied was familiar. He followed him repeating: "Where the deuce have I seen that fellow?"

For a time he racked his brain in vain, then he suddenly saw the same man, but not so corpulent and more youthful, attired in the uniform of a Hussar. He exclaimed, "Wait! Forestier!" and hastening up to him, laid his hand upon the man's shoulder. The latter turned, looked at him and said: "What do you want, sir?"

Duroy began to laugh: "Don't you remember me?"


Sunday, January 2, 2011

{ 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1.. }


For New Years, we went downtown to Pete's Dueling Piano Bar with a group of friends. It was packed! Earlier in the day I went shopping at Forever 21 in search of a killer dress, with lots of sparkles and not BLACK - oh, and also for cheap :) 

Low and behold, I found this little number!
Only $15.50! I couldn't believe it. Course, I had to get the bling too. (ie: earrings, bracelet) Also, at Forever 21.
The shoes are actually my wedding shoes! :)

The Boys, all spiffed up :)

My mom, dad, sister-in-law Nicole, brother Maxx and niece Neveah came over for some shots of Tequila. They ended up staying at my mom and dads, dancing to Madonna records (Neveah LOVES Madonna), ordering Pizza, watching Jay Leno and the ball drop in NYC.

We left about 10:15 for downtown, and by the time we got into downtown they were already setting off tons of fireworks above us, about 10:30pm. Traffic was super congested, and people (mainly in black - what is it with black?) were everywhere. Parking was hard to find, as per the usual in downtown, so to save ourselves any more hassle we pulled into a large multi-level lot (also per the usual) on 3rd and Brazos for $13. Then we took a buggy (bike which pulls a 3 seater sort-of-wagon) up to 6th and Nueches where Petes was, and tipped the biker $10 (they are only paid by tips). Of course, all of downtown was blocked off for the massive amounts of people everywhere. Seriously - Austin is one of the funnest places to be for a large event. The excitement just pulses everywhere. Either that, or its the booming of the base through every club.

Originally, we were only supposed to pay a $10 cover per person. By the time we got to the door about 11, the cover was $25, but the bouncer was super cool and took all three of us for $40! Super nice guy! We pushed our way through the crowd into Petes and upstairs to the table our friends had reserved. The pianists were awesome! Non-stop hits of all kinds played though midnight, and everyone, young and old were on their feet clapping or singing at the top of their voices - it was awesome! We met tons of new friends. Here's the view:

Petes, from the entrance

Dueling Pianists from the Top

New friends made: Sam, Larissa, and Rosemary (don't mind the time/date, its not updated :)

Top: Vanessa, her friend, Larissa
Bottom: Me, Rosie and Larissa

The Boys (just a few of them) Rodrigo, Rodolfo, Andre and Chris
Vanessa <3

Then, before we even knew it, it was


Our 2011 New Years Kiss! 

Rodolfo and Rosie <3

We sang the Auld Lang Syne, and danced, and popped the cork off that bottle!

Each table received a bottle of Champagne and glasses, also Party Hats and crowns.

Rodolfo and Rosie

Rodolfo and Rodrigo

Just after the new year we rushed outside to see the party unfolding on 6th:
2011 Ball!!

Rodolfo took to dancing in the street (one too many Red Bulls...or vodkas, not sure)
So, that was our 2011 New Years Celebration! It was a total blast! 
We hope yours was even better!!
